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                  Greetings! This is David Musial, the owner and founder. So, just what exactly is a "blog" theses days? 

I designed this studio in 1991 as the proposed final project or "thesis" for my Doctorate in Music Technology hosted by Dr. "Ken Peacock" from NYU. A few months before I was scheduled to "graduate" in May 1992, I comlpeted the construction, but he said that NYU was not "ready" yet to proceed. This did not delay my private business ventures, so creativity continued. Now 25 years later, so much has been created her, it's simply amazing! Talented composers, producers & musicians from many styles and walks of life, have worked here from begineeres to Emmy & Grammy winners who have perfored in schools, roller rinks, parades, sports arenas, on an aircraft carrier, on Broadway, in Carnegie Hall, in Disney and even in the "Hall Of Heroes" in the Pentagon! Lot's of albums (over 100) have been recorded here and may TV Show & Cartoon soundtracks too. SIRIUS XM did a live broadcast form SkyRoom the eve of Frank Sinatra's 100th Birthday with the amazing singer "Angelo Cerrone". They played my recordimng of Angelo sings "My Way" at Sinatra's public memorial in 1998 and intervied Angelo from my vocal booth for the natioanl broadcast on the David Webb Show! We have never kept an "official blog", thought there are many photos and client links, but starting today, March 16, 2016, I'll try to put up osme posts!


The Bubble Queen was booekd to perform at the Hoboken Music & Art Fest on 5/1/16, so Carol Lester phoned to say we need to finish her new "Bubble Birthday Party Album" very soon! I burned a DVD of her amazing prformance at the Jersey City International Women's Day conceret at New Jersey City University last week.

I previewed the 5 new songs on BRADY®'s  new EP in progress. I don't know how this brilliant young talent does it! Simnply amazing.

I updatted the "PHOTO" page with some "action shots" . (I have thousands, so if your's is not here yet, please be patient.)